2023 | Ceruti 2023. David LaChapelle per Giacomo Ceruti. Nomad in a Beautiful Land – Miseria&Nobiltà. Giacomo Ceruti nell’Europa del Settecento – Immaginario Ceruti | Exhibition | Fondazione Brescia Musei | Communication, Identity |
2023 | Roma Silenziosa Bellezza | Exhibition | Vittoriano e Palazzo Venezia. Ministero della Cultura, Webuild | Communication, Environmental graphics |
2022 | Mirabilia 2. Capolavori a confronto | Exhibition | Museo Archeologico Nazionale Aquileia | Communication |
2022 | L’Italia e l’Alliance Graphique Internationale. 25 grafici del ‘900 | Exhibition | ERPAC Friuli Venezia Giulia | Book design, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2022 | Mirabilia. Capolavori a confronto | Exhibition | Museo Archeologico Nazionale Aquileia | Communication |
2022 | Isgrò cancella Brixia | Exhibition | Fondazione Brescia Musei | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2021 | Giacomo Boni. L’alba della modernità | Exhibition | Electa, Parco Archeologico del Colosseo | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2021 | Velázquez per Ceruti | Exhibition | Fondazione Brescia Musei | Communication, Identity |
2021 | Palcoscenici archeologici. Francesco Vezzoli | Exhibition | Fondazione Brescia Musei | Communication, Identity |
2021 | Alfred Seiland. IMPERIVM ROMANVM. Fotografie 2005-2020 | Exhibition | Fondazione Brescia Musei | Communication, Identity |
2020 | Raffaello e la Domus Aurea | Exhibition | Electa, Parco Archeologico del Colosseo | Environmental graphics |
2020 | Juan Navarro Baldeweg. Architettura, pittura, scultura | Exhibition | Fondazione Brescia Musei | Communication, Identity |
2020 | Both ways | Exhibition | Comitato Trieste Contemporanea | Environmental graphics, Identity |
2019 | Canova. I volti ideali | Exhibition | Electa, GAM Galleria d'Arte Moderna Milano | Book design, Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2019 | Che bellezza! Che finura! Miela Reina + Luigi Spazzapan | Exhibition | ERPAC Ente Regionale per il Patrimonio Culturale della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia | Communication, Identity |
2019 | Plessi a Caracalla. Il segreto del tempo | Exhibition | Electa, Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio | Communication, Identity |
2019 | Domus Transitoria. La prima reggia di Nerone sul Palatino | Exhibition | Electa | Book design, Communication, Identity |
2019 | Siza antes do Siza. Álvaro Siza l’opera prima | Exhibition | Arnoldo Mondadori Editore | Communication, Environmental graphics |
2019 | Thomas Struth. Nature & Politics | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Book design, Identity |
2018 | Il Colosseo si racconta | Environmental, Exhibition | Electa | Environmental graphics, Identity, Signage |
2018 | Pompei e gli Etruschi | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Identity |
2018 | Roma Universalis | Exhibition | Electa, Parco Archeologico del Colosseo | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2018 | Mauro Staccioli. Sensibile ambientale | Exhibition | Electa, Soprintendenza Speciale di Roma Archeologia Belle Arti e Paesaggio | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2018 | Favole di luce | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast, MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo, | Communication |
2018 | Vatican Chapels | Exhibition | Pontificio Consiglio della Cultura | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2018 | W. Eugene Smith. Pittsburgh: ritratto di una città industriale | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Book design, Identity |
2018 | Nomos 30 at Salone | Exhibition | Tecno | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2018 | Il Palatino e il suo giardino segreto | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Identity |
2018 | Nomos 30 | Exhibition | Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Tecno | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2018 | Pendulum. Merci e persone in movimento | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Book design, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2017 | Carta Bianca. Capodimonte Imaginaire | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Identity |
2017 | Thomas Ruff. Machine & Energy | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Book design, Identity |
2017 | Foto/Industria 2017 | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Communication, Identity |
2017 | Amori Divini | Exhibition | Electa, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2017 | La forza delle immagini | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Book design, Identity |
2017 | Pompei e i Greci | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2017 | Colosseo. Un’icona | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2017 | Rinascite | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Identity |
2017 | Albrecht Dürer. Come sentirò freddo dopo il sole | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Identity |
2017 | Palatino Contemporaneo. Da Duchamp a Cattelan | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2017 | Lavoro in movimento | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Communication, Identity |
2016 | Dayanita Singh. Museum of machines | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Book design, Identity |
2016 | Aldo Manuzio | Exhibition | Marsilio | Identity |
2016 | Attilio Stocchi | Exhibition | La Triennale di Milano | Communication |
2016 | Ceramica, latte, macchine e logistica | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Book design, Identity |
2016 | Stanze. Altre filosofie dell’abitare | Exhibition | Federlegno | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2016 | W. Women in Italian Design | Exhibition | La Triennale di Milano | Communication, Identity |
2016 | Jakob Tuggener. Fabrik / Nuit de bal | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Book design, Identity |
2015 | La forza delle rovine | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Identity |
2015 | Foto/Industria 2015 | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Communication, Digital, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2015 | Giotto, l’Italia | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2015 | Mito e natura | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2015 | Industria oggi | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Book design |
2015 | Emil Otto Hoppé. Il segreto svelato | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Book design |
2014 | Shit and die | Exhibition | Artissima | Book design, Communication, Identity |
2014 | Capitale umano nell’industria | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Book design, Identity |
2014 | Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos | Exhibition | Edicer | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2014 | David Lynch. The Factory Photographs | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2014 | Mondi industriali 014 | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Book design, Identity |
2014 | Irving Penn, Resonance | Exhibition | Palazzo Grassi | Communication, Identity |
2014 | L’illusione della luce | Exhibition | Palazzo Grassi | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2014 | Wade Guyton | Exhibition | Palazzo Grassi | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2013 | Ritratti di ritratti / Marco Delogu | Exhibition | Electa | Communication |
2013 | Non-finito, infinito | Exhibition | Electa | Communication |
2013 | One Torino | Exhibition | Artissima | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2013 | Foto/Industria 2013 | Exhibition | Fondazione Mast | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2013 | Post Classici | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2013 | Imago Mundi | Exhibition | Fondazione Benetton Studi e Ricerche | Communication, Identity |
2013 | Prima materia | Exhibition | Palazzo Grassi | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2012 | L’architettura del mondo. Infrastrutture, mobilità, nuovi paesaggi | Exhibition | La Triennale di Milano | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2012 | La voce delle immagini | Exhibition | Palazzo Grassi | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2012 | Ultrabody | Exhibition | Civita | Communication, Identity |
2012 | Hokusai Shinsai Gakutei. Le stampe giapponesi di Frank Lloyd Wright | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2011 | Il mondo vi appartiene | Exhibition | Palazzo Grassi | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2011 | Nerone | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2011 | Elogio del dubbio | Exhibition | Palazzo Grassi | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2011 | Sotto quale cielo? | Exhibition | Museo regionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Palazzo Riso | Communication, Identity, Signage |
2011 | Dante Gabriel Rossetti Edward Burne-Jones e il mito dell’Italia nell’Inghilterra vittoriana | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Identity |
2010 | Others. Le Biennali di Marrakech Istanbul Atene a Palermo e Catania | Exhibition | Museo regionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea Palazzo Riso | Communication, Identity |
2010 | Materia è Memoria | Exhibition | Associazione Culturale PerCorsi EstraVaganti | Communication, Identity |
2009 | La pittura pompeiana | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Identity |
2009 | Divus Vespasianus | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2009 | Collezione Farnese | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2009 | Arienti. Arte in-percettibile | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2008 | Il Gladiatore | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Identity |
2008 | Bonacolsi l’antico | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Identity |
2008 | Arrivare a Venezia | Exhibition | Autorità Portuale di Venezia | Communication, Identity |
2008 | Rovine e rinascite dell’arte in Italia | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2008 | Ercolano, tre secoli di scoperte | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Identity |
2008 | Museo Archeologico dei Campi Flegrei | Exhibition | Electa | Book design, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2008 | God & Goods. Spiritualità e confusione di massa | Exhibition | Villa Manin Centro d'Arte Contemporanea | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2008 | Trionfi romani | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2007 | Rosso pompeiano. La decorazione pittorica nelle collezioni del Museo di Napoli e a Pompei | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2007 | Arte contro. Ricerche dell’arte russa dal 1950 ad oggi | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2007 | Il Modo Italiano. Design e avanguardie artistiche in Italia nel XX secolo | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2007 | Ugo Mulas. La scena dell’arte | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Identity |
2007 | Maestri del ‘900: da Boccioni a Fontana | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2007 | Hard Rock Walzer. Scultura contemporanea austriaca | Exhibition | Villa Manin Centro d'Arte Contemporanea | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2007 | Alma Tadema e la nostalgia dell’antico | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2007 | Young in the Future. Ricarda Roggan | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2007 | In scaena | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2007 | Ettore Sottsass. Vorrei sapere perché / I wonder why | Exhibition | Electa | Book design |
2007 | Lucio Fontana. Scultore | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2007 | Il teatro dell’arte. Capolavori della collezione del Museo Ludwig di Colonia | Exhibition | Villa Manin Centro d'Arte Contemporanea | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2007 | EurHope 1153 | Exhibition | Villa Manin Centro d'Arte Contemporanea | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2007 | Canova e la Venere vincitrice | Exhibition | Electa | Book design |
2007 | Francesco Vezzoli. Democrazy | Exhibition | Electa | Book design |
2007 | Hiroshi Sugimoto | Exhibition | Villa Manin Centro d'Arte Contemporanea | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2007 | Sulle tracce di Maurice Denis. Simbolismi ai confini | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2007 | Eros | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2007 | La parola nell’arte. Ricerche d’avanguardia nel ‘900 | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2007 | Deperopubblicitario. Dall’auto-réclame all’architettura pubblicitaria | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2006 | Eliseo Mattiacci | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2006 | Douglas Gordon | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2006 | Anna Maria & Marzio Sala | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2006 | Roma Barocca. Bernini, Borromini, Pietro da Cortona | Exhibition | Electa | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2006 | Universal experience | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2006 | Infinite Painting. Pittura contemporanea e realismo globale | Exhibition | Villa Manin Centro d'Arte Contemporanea | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2006 | Schiele Klimt Kokoschka e gli amici viennesi | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2006 | Umberto Moggioli 1886–1919 | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2006 | Luigi Russolo. Vita e opere di un futurista | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2005 | La dolce crisi. Fotografia contemporanea in Italia | Exhibition | Villa Manin Centro d'Arte Contemporanea | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2005 | Triesteannicinquanta. Il cinquantesimo anniversario del ritorno di Trieste all’Italia | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Environmental graphics, Signage |
2005 | Triesteannicinquanta. Il cinquantesimo anniversario del ritorno di Trieste all’Italia | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Communication, Identity |
2005 | Marcello Dudovich, Pollione Sigon, Gian Luciano Sormani: dieci manifesti per le Generali | Exhibition | Assicurazioni Generali | Environmental graphics |
2005 | Dal 2000 al futuro. Architetture e infrastrutture per lo sviluppo a Napoli e in Campania | Exhibition | Regione Campania | Book design, Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2005 | Histria. Opere d’arte restaurate da Paolo Veneziano a Tiepolo | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2005 | Luna Park. Arte Fantastica | Exhibition | Villa Manin Centro d'Arte Contemporanea | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2005 | Franco Albini. Musei e allestimenti | Exhibition | Politecnico di Milano | Communication, Environmental graphics |
2005 | La Danza delle Avanguardie | Exhibition | MART | Communication, Identity |
2004 | Lina Bo Bardi architetto | Exhibition | Università Iuav di Venezia | Communication, Identity |
2003 | Alessandro Anselmi. Il municipio di Fiumicino | Exhibition | Università degli Studi Roma Tre | Environmental graphics |
2003 | Stazione TAV di Firenze | Exhibition | TAV Treno Alta Velocità | Book design, Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2003 | 50. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte | Exhibition | La Biennale di Venezia | Communication, Identity |
2002 | Steven Holl | Exhibition | Abaco Associazione Culturale per l'Architettura | Communication, Identity |
2002 | Giuseppe Vaccaro. Architetture e progetti | Exhibition | Università Iuav di Venezia | Book design |
2002 | Le città in/visibili | Exhibition | La Triennale di Milano | Environmental graphics, Identity |
2002 | Novoli. La nuova architettura italiana a Firenze | Exhibition | Immobiliare Novoli | Environmental graphics |
2001 | Toyo Ito | Exhibition | Abaco Associazione Culturale per l'Architettura | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
2001 | Luigi Moretti. Immagini di architettura | Exhibition | Università Iuav di Venezia | Environmental graphics, Identity |
2000 | Rudolf Schwarz, Hans van der Laan | Exhibition | Abaco Associazione Culturale per l'Architettura | Communication, Identity |
1999 | Aldo Rossi 1931–1997 | Exhibition | La Triennale di Milano | Communication, Environmental graphics |
1999 | Alvaro Siza | Exhibition | Abaco Associazione Culturale per l'Architettura | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1999 | Le mura di Pisa. Immagine e ricchezza della città | Exhibition | Comune di Pisa | Communication, Identity |
1998 | O.M. Ungers | Exhibition | Abaco Associazione Culturale per l'Architettura | Communication, Identity |
1998 | Alvar Aalto 1898–1976 | Exhibition | Centro Internazionale d'Arte e di Cultura di Palazzo Te | Environmental graphics, Identity |
1997 | Arte e Stato. Le esposizioni sindacali nelle Tre Venezie 1927–44 | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Environmental graphics |
1996 | Carlo Sbisà | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1996 | Jim Dine’s Venus | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1996 | Viaggio nel ’900. Le collezioni di Manlio Malabotta | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1996 | Nino Perizi. Opere 1935-1993 | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1996 | Pasquale Revoltella 1795–1869. Sogno e consapevolezza del cosmopolitismo triestino | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1995 | James Rosenquist. Gli anni Novanta | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1995 | Dall’aquila al leone | Exhibition | Assicurazioni Generali | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1995 | Trieste Venezia e le Biennali. 1895–1914 arte d’Europa fra due secoli | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1994 | Marco Besso | Exhibition | Assicurazioni Generali | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1988 | Aldo Rossi | Exhibition | Royal Institute of British Architects | Communication, Identity |
1988 | In cantiere | Exhibition | Comune di Monfalcone | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1987 | Gustavo Pulitzer Finali | Exhibition | Provincia di Trieste | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1987 | L’Immaginario Scientifico. Dalla percezione alla teoria attraverso le immagini della scienza | Exhibition | Immaginario Scientifico, I.S.S.A./A.I.S.A. Associazione Interculturale per la scienza e l'arte, Ente Autonomo Fiera di Milano | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1985 | Avanguardie in Austria | Exhibition | Provincia di Trieste | Environmental graphics |
1985 | Trouver Trieste | Exhibition | Comune di Trieste | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1985 | Mario Botta. Architetture 1960–1985 | Exhibition | Comune di Venezia | Environmental graphics, Identity |
1985 | Frontiere d’avanguardia. Gli anni del futurismo nella Venezia Giulia | Exhibition | Provincia di Gorizia | Environmental graphics, Identity |
1985 | Aldo Rossi | Exhibition | Akademie van Bouwkunst | Communication |
1984 | Carlo Scarpa 1906–1978 | Exhibition | Comune di Venezia | Environmental graphics, Identity |
1981 | Budapest 1890–1919. L’anima e le forme | Exhibition | Comune di Venezia | Environmental graphics, Identity |
1981 | Nascita della fotografia psichiatrica | Exhibition | ASAC Archivio storico delle arti contemporanee | Communication |
1980 | Immagini del teatro italiano 1945-1955. 300 fotografie di Gastone Bosio | Exhibition | Museo dell'Attore di Genova | Environmental graphics, Identity |
1980 | La città e gli artisti. Pistoia tra avanguardie e Novecento | Exhibition | Comune di Pistoia | Communication, Environmental graphics, Identity |
1979 | Venezia e lo spazio scenico | Exhibition | La Biennale di Venezia | Communication, Environmental graphics |
1978 | Ottant’anni di allestimenti della Biennale | Exhibition | ASAC Archivio storico delle arti contemporanee | Environmental graphics, Identity |
1977 | Virgilio Marchi | Exhibition | Festival dei Due Mondi | Communication, Environmental graphics |
1977 | Tavole parolibere e tipografia futurista | Exhibition | ASAC Archivio storico delle arti contemporanee | Environmental graphics, Identity |
1977 | Russolo. L’arte dei rumori | Exhibition | ASAC Archivio storico delle arti contemporanee | Environmental graphics, Identity |
1976 | Arte/ambiente. Dal futurismo alla body art | Exhibition | La Biennale di Venezia | Environmental graphics |